Comment 4 for bug 1995778

Revision history for this message
Przemyslaw Hausman (phausman) wrote :

Alex, thanks for the analysis! I came to the same conclusion regaring api-paste.ini but you were much quicker to post the results of your investigation. Good stuff!

I tested it and added the following to the templates/mitaka/api-paste.ini template on nova-cloud-controler unit.
api_version = {{ api_version }}

The resulting /etc/nova/api-paste.ini ended up with the correct configuration rendered:

$ sudo grep api_version /etc/nova/api-paste.ini
api_version = 3

Then, after I executed the config-changed hook on nova-ironic unit, the configuration in nova.conf has been correctly rendered with /v3:

$ sudo grep -A2 '\[ironic\]' /etc/nova/nova.conf
auth_type = password
auth_url =