Comment 1 for bug 1995778

Revision history for this message
Alex Kavanagh (ajkavanagh) wrote :

Thanks for the bug report. It's a curious one, this, as it really ought to render as v3 and not v2.0, so it may be that something's up elsewhere in the cloud.

If possible, please could you add the supporting information from (e.g. juju show-unit for the nova-compute unit would be really useful, but it does contain passwords so may need sanitising!)

The config is rendered from this part:

{% if virt_type == 'ironic' and auth_host and ironic_api_ready -%}
{% if api_version and api_version == "3" -%}
{% set auth_ver = "v3" -%}
{% else -%}
{% set auth_ver = "v2.0" -%}
{% endif -%}
auth_type = password
auth_url = {{auth_protocol}}://{{auth_host}}:{{auth_port}}/{{auth_ver}}
project_name = {{ admin_tenant_name }}
username = {{ admin_user }}
password = {{ admin_password }}
project_domain_name = {{ admin_domain_name }}
user_domain_name = {{ admin_domain_name }}
{% endif -%}

So api_version is most likely *not* '3' when rendering this section; it would be useful to see what the nova.conf is being rendered at, particularly whether the auth_url is correct elsewhere.