Commit abe5a289 fixed the rendering of the ironic driver in the
nova-compute.conf file for OpenStack versions >= Wallaby. However, it
always renders the nova-compute.conf file for train and above, which is
hard-coded to the Ironic libvirt driver.
This adds additional templating logic to the nova-compute.conf driver in
order to render the correct driver to use.
Related-Bug: #1968547
Related-Bug: #1977803
Change-Id: I12cd4bf5953170d227d52793764c49f3871e25f9
(cherry picked from commit f6c536baec29a34b79a13708f2f0b82dd0db0530)
(cherry picked from commit 7f3fb79210857e40b58d6c61ed35a7ee4ac18030)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /charm- nova-compute/ +/886147 /opendev. org/openstack/ charm-nova- compute/ commit/ 9e93bcd051f41ce 0403c4e136fe54e ee56c655bd
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/wallaby
commit 9e93bcd051f41ce 0403c4e136fe54e ee56c655bd
Author: Billy Olsen <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Apr 19 20:00:02 2022 -0700
Render correct driver in nova-compute.conf
Commit abe5a289 fixed the rendering of the ironic driver in the compute. conf file for OpenStack versions >= Wallaby. However, it
always renders the nova-compute.conf file for train and above, which is
hard-coded to the Ironic libvirt driver.
This adds additional templating logic to the nova-compute.conf driver in
order to render the correct driver to use.
Related-Bug: #1968547 d227d52793764c4 9f3871e25f9 b79a13708f2f0b8 2dd0db0530) 0b58d6c61ed35a7 ee4ac18030)
Related-Bug: #1977803
Change-Id: I12cd4bf5953170
(cherry picked from commit f6c536baec29a34
(cherry picked from commit 7f3fb79210857e4