Comment 11 for bug 1995778

Revision history for this message
Alex Kavanagh (ajkavanagh) wrote (last edit ):

Hi Natalia

> Can you specify where should I find the templates/mitaka/api-paste.ini file?
> If that workaround works then field-high is fine

Sure, yes. The most recent api-paste template is in the {charm_dir}/templates/mitaka/api-paste.ini

Easiest thing to do is to edit this file and in the [filter:authtoken] section of the file (at the end), and make the top of that section look like:

paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
api_version = 3

The force a config-changed by toggling a value (usually debug) and that will cause the template to be re-written.

This fix would be overwritten if the charm is upgraded/refreshed, but should result in the auth_url being written with a /v3 at the end.

You'll need to do this for each nova-cloud-controller unit.

Hope that helps.