commit 22f2d4e0fee4e229ac3de1c40202f2a2539d987e
Author: Edward Hope-Morley <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 1 12:27:15 2017 +0100
Fix ceph client virsh secret check
Previously we were not stripping whitespace or newlines
from the value returned from virsh secret-get-value which
resulted in the key comparison always returning False and
services being restarted.
Includes charm-helpers rev 708 required to get amulet
Change-Id: If465183860dc9d6e13c81d363791c06c0e5adb76
Closes-Bug: 1694963
(cherry picked from commit 19cc5ff0942b6932587f1148d151a3a085926a39)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/470186 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-nova- compute/ commit/ ?id=22f2d4e0fee 4e229ac3de1c402 02f2a2539d987e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/17.02
commit 22f2d4e0fee4e22 9ac3de1c40202f2 a2539d987e
Author: Edward Hope-Morley <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 1 12:27:15 2017 +0100
Fix ceph client virsh secret check
Previously we were not stripping whitespace or newlines
from the value returned from virsh secret-get-value which
resulted in the key comparison always returning False and
services being restarted.
Includes charm-helpers rev 708 required to get amulet
Change-Id: If465183860dc9d 6e13c81d363791c 06c0e5adb76 2587f1148d151a3 a085926a39)
Closes-Bug: 1694963
(cherry picked from commit 19cc5ff0942b693