commit 098aff209621b3d1f56304bdf2ebb48305cff21c
Author: Ante Karamatic <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 24 16:07:09 2017 +0100
Allow nova-compute to read through cpu attributes
LXD requires access to CPU attributes that are currently not allowed
in AppArmor profile. This change allows access to those attributes.
It also adds virt_type to NovaComputeAppArmor context. It then uses
this to provide nova-compute with access to LXD's socket.
Resync charmhelpers from stable branch to resolve amulet action
execution test errors.
Change-Id: I78d18dcf37f6195ea1ceec1029ddfac44a4a1b33
Closes-Bug: 1675803
(cherry picked from commit d673f94097ac25656f473f6888b692af51950b47)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/467111 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-nova- compute/ commit/ ?id=098aff20962 1b3d1f56304bdf2 ebb48305cff21c
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/17.02
commit 098aff209621b3d 1f56304bdf2ebb4 8305cff21c
Author: Ante Karamatic <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 24 16:07:09 2017 +0100
Allow nova-compute to read through cpu attributes
LXD requires access to CPU attributes that are currently not allowed
in AppArmor profile. This change allows access to those attributes.
It also adds virt_type to NovaComputeAppArmor context. It then uses
this to provide nova-compute with access to LXD's socket.
Resync charmhelpers from stable branch to resolve amulet action
execution test errors.
Change-Id: I78d18dcf37f619 5ea1ceec1029ddf ac44a4a1b33 56f473f6888b692 af51950b47)
Closes-Bug: 1675803
(cherry picked from commit d673f94097ac256