Comment 0 for bug 1838696

Revision history for this message
Corey Bryant (corey.bryant) wrote : "rabbit_use_ssl" is needed instead of "ssl" for icehouse->ocata

"rabbit_use_ssl" is needed instead of "ssl" for the [oslo_messaging_rabbit] config section for versions of python-oslo.messaging used in icehouse->ocata.

This was regressed when fixing which introduced use of section-oslo-messaging-rabbit by ocata templates.

Bug 1817672 was fixed for ocata+ so we should only need to re-introduce "rabbit_use_ssl" for ocata templates.

$ cat ./hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/section-oslo-messaging-rabbit
{% if rabbitmq_ha_queues -%}
rabbit_ha_queues = True
{% endif -%}
{% if rabbit_ssl_port -%}
ssl = True
{% endif -%}
{% if rabbit_ssl_ca -%}
ssl_ca_file = {{ rabbit_ssl_ca }}
{% endif -%}