I just de-duped three other bugs related to this against this bug report; it would appear that we have a mismatch between the 'idle_timeout' set in openstack servers vs the idle timeout in mysql which results in this type of error message in the openstack service logs.
idle_timeout has been superceeded with connection_recycle_timeout so we need at a minimum to update templates to use this new configuration option name, and we should set sane defaults for both openstack services and mysql (in the form of percona-cluster).
I just de-duped three other bugs related to this against this bug report; it would appear that we have a mismatch between the 'idle_timeout' set in openstack servers vs the idle timeout in mysql which results in this type of error message in the openstack service logs.
idle_timeout has been superceeded with connection_ recycle_ timeout so we need at a minimum to update templates to use this new configuration option name, and we should set sane defaults for both openstack services and mysql (in the form of percona-cluster).