- deploying openstack wallaby on ubuntu focal
- using OVN 20.12 (this was introduced at 20.03)
- using kernel 5.4 (focal GA -- this needs minimum 5.2)
- have checked the "Check pkt length action" is "yes"
- using latest charms as today for ovn-central / ovn-chassis / neutron / neutron-api / neutron-api-plugin-ovn (although I forked the latest version to hardcode the option)
I have been doing many different tests but the most obvious one is to send a big packet to outside from the VM, see it dropped on the router and no icmp come back.
Just for clarification, in my tests I am:
- deploying openstack wallaby on ubuntu focal api-plugin- ovn (although I forked the latest version to hardcode the option)
- using OVN 20.12 (this was introduced at 20.03)
- using kernel 5.4 (focal GA -- this needs minimum 5.2)
- have checked the "Check pkt length action" is "yes"
- using latest charms as today for ovn-central / ovn-chassis / neutron / neutron-api / neutron-
I have been doing many different tests but the most obvious one is to send a big packet to outside from the VM, see it dropped on the router and no icmp come back.