0.26.1 has made it into the default registry:
Until the charm ingress handler is updated, you can manually configure your workers to use the new image:
juju config kubernetes-worker nginx-image='rocks.canonical.com:443/cdk/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller-amd64:0.26.1'
0.26.1 has made it into the default registry:
https:/ /rocks. canonical. com:5000/ v2/cdk/ kubernetes- ingress- controller/ nginx-ingress- controller- amd64/tags/ list
Until the charm ingress handler is updated, you can manually configure your workers to use the new image:
juju config kubernetes-worker nginx-image= 'rocks. canonical. com:443/ cdk/kubernetes- ingress- controller/ nginx-ingress- controller- amd64:0. 26.1'