I've reopened this. While the existing PR should help, recent evidence suggests that kubectl pids are being leaked by the auth-webhook when it fetches token secrets[1]. I strongly suspect that the run function's timeout mechanism[2] is leaving behind stale processes.
I've reopened this. While the existing PR should help, recent evidence suggests that kubectl pids are being leaked by the auth-webhook when it fetches token secrets[1]. I strongly suspect that the run function's timeout mechanism[2] is leaving behind stale processes.
[1]: https:/ /github. com/charmed- kubernetes/ charm-kubernete s-control- plane/blob/ 9ca528898009375 09bd0065d285c66 46e04cb745/ templates/ cdk.master. auth-webhook. py#L347- L349 /github. com/charmed- kubernetes/ charm-kubernete s-control- plane/blob/ 9ca528898009375 09bd0065d285c66 46e04cb745/ templates/ cdk.master. auth-webhook. py#L52- L61
[2]: https:/