Thanks for the report and reproduction steps. I can reproduce this, although it appears to be a race condition so it might not reproduce with 100% certainty.
In my case, on kubernetes-master, both kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler were failing to reach kube-apiserver due to "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority". This occurred because build_kubeconfig[1] ran before store_ca[2] and ca_written[3]. So while the charm did detect the change and restart services, it did so using kubeconfigs that were rendered with the old CA. On the next hook, it re-ran build_kubeconfig and rendered new kubeconfigs with the correct CA, but did not restart services.
To fix this, the charm's handling of the flag will need to be adjusted to ensure new kubeconfigs are rendered before restarting the services.
Thanks for the report and reproduction steps. I can reproduce this, although it appears to be a race condition so it might not reproduce with 100% certainty.
In my case, on kubernetes-master, both kube-controller -manager and kube-scheduler were failing to reach kube-apiserver due to "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority". This occurred because build_kubeconfig[1] ran before store_ca[2] and ca_written[3]. So while the charm did detect the change and restart services, it did so using kubeconfigs that were rendered with the old CA. On the next hook, it re-ran build_kubeconfig and rendered new kubeconfigs with the correct CA, but did not restart services.
To fix this, the charm's handling of the tls_client. ca.written flag will need to be adjusted to ensure new kubeconfigs are rendered before restarting the services.
[1]: https:/ /github. com/charmed- kubernetes/ charm-kubernete s-master/ blob/1467e9ba83 32c2959dd8f908a a29cee18f90e540 /reactive/ kubernetes_ master. py#L1912 /github. com/charmed- kubernetes/ layer-tls- client/ blob/9bfaafcd15 ecdbfb435fd35c2 8057372f7d62e2b /reactive/ tls_client. py#L19 /github. com/charmed- kubernetes/ charm-kubernete s-master/ blob/1467e9ba83 32c2959dd8f908a a29cee18f90e540 /reactive/ kubernetes_ master. py#L1159
[2]: https:/
[3]: https:/