From looking at the code, the edge charms set a flag in the cloud-provider config files that says that Octavia is used as the lbaas. The logic is then different for Octavia vs non-Octavia Lbaas and skips the security group issue we are having .... or at least that's the theory as i can't get them to work!
From looking at the code, the edge charms set a flag in the cloud-provider config files that says that Octavia is used as the lbaas. The logic is then different for Octavia vs non-Octavia Lbaas and skips the security group issue we are having .... or at least that's the theory as i can't get them to work!
See: https:/ /github. com/charmed- kubernetes/ layer-kubernete s-common/ blame/master/ lib/charms/ layer/kubernete s_common. py#L456
and how the logic in the openstack cloud provider is linked to this:
https:/ /github. com/kubernetes/ cloud-provider- openstack/ blame/release- 1.14/pkg/ cloudprovider/ providers/ openstack/ openstack_ loadbalancer. go#L1441