This change solves two problmes. First, one off problems waiting
for the cluster to complete. Second, running update_shared_db_rels
too often.
Update clients will get executed only once as soon as
leader_node_is_ready() or client_node_is_ready() returns True.
Subsequent client requests will be handled by normal
*db-relation-changed hooks.
Co-Authored-By: Liam Young <email address hidden>
Partial-Bug: #1717590
Change-Id: I7004218fe4750427bb0d3a957c13c4acfa02e1cd
(cherry picked from commit fb95b22add55e0254523c9a6a6f84c832931c20c)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/507553 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-percona- cluster/ commit/ ?id=c8e8adc1e69 fcabeebb0901175 e52d8bd1c68d42
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/17.08
commit c8e8adc1e69fcab eebb0901175e52d 8bd1c68d42
Author: David Ames <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 25 15:59:31 2017 +0000
Update all clients once and only once
This change solves two problmes. First, one off problems waiting shared_ db_rels
for the cluster to complete. Second, running update_
too often.
Update clients will get executed only once as soon as node_is_ ready() or client_ node_is_ ready() returns True. relation- changed hooks.
Subsequent client requests will be handled by normal
Co-Authored-By: Liam Young <email address hidden>
Partial-Bug: #1717590 27bb0d3a957c13c 4acfa02e1cd 54523c9a6a6f84c 832931c20c)
Change-Id: I7004218fe47504
(cherry picked from commit fb95b22add55e02