I have configured `channel: zed/stable` and left openstack-origin unchanged (it defaults to `distro` and I'm deploying on jammy, so it should mean yoga) for both keystone-saml-mellon and ironic-conductor.
For keystone-saml-mellon it did the job. I was able to successfully deploy the charm.
But the workaround does not work for ironic-conductor. When I run `set-temp-url-secret` action, it fails, and I get the following in the debug-log:
$ juju debug-log -i ironic-conductor/0
unit-ironic-conductor-0: 23:37:02 ERROR unit.ironic-conductor/0.juju-log action "set-temp-url-secret" failed: "local variable 'keystone_session' referenced before assignment" "Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ironic-conductor-0/charm/actions/set-temp-url-secret", line 112, in main
File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ironic-conductor-0/charm/actions/set-temp-url-secret", line 60, in set_temp_url_secret
os_cli = api_utils.OSClients(keystone_session)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'keystone_session' referenced before assignment
Corey, thank you for looking into it!
I have configured `channel: zed/stable` and left openstack-origin unchanged (it defaults to `distro` and I'm deploying on jammy, so it should mean yoga) for both keystone- saml-mellon and ironic-conductor.
For keystone- saml-mellon it did the job. I was able to successfully deploy the charm.
But the workaround does not work for ironic-conductor. When I run `set-temp- url-secret` action, it fails, and I get the following in the debug-log:
``` conductor- 0: 23:37:02 ERROR unit.ironic- conductor/ 0.juju- log action "set-temp- url-secret" failed: "local variable 'keystone_session' referenced before assignment" "Traceback (most recent call last): juju/agents/ unit-ironic- conductor- 0/charm/ actions/ set-temp- url-secret" , line 112, in main juju/agents/ unit-ironic- conductor- 0/charm/ actions/ set-temp- url-secret" , line 60, in set_temp_url_secret OSClients( keystone_ session)
$ juju debug-log -i ironic-conductor/0
File "/var/lib/
File "/var/lib/
os_cli = api_utils.
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'keystone_session' referenced before assignment