Upon trying to reproduce the issue, these are my findings:
1. When trying to relate hw-health rev 30 charm with ubuntu-bionic, I'm facing the same error as presented in the bug report.
2. When trying to relate the hw-health rev 24 charm with ubuntu-bionic, the hw-health charm is stuck in `maintenance` phase with the message "Installing freeipmi,libipc-run-perl". The agent is idle and there are no logs in juju debug-logs as well.
We could possibly deprecate bionic (along with xenial 16.04) since bionic is already EOL and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to fix the python version dependency for pip (the error appears from the lower level install/upgrade hook code).
Local test environment:
1. Deploy ubuntu bionic series.
$ juju deploy ubuntu --series bionic ubuntu-bionic
2. Deploy hw-health rev 24 and rev 30 (rev 30 is from latest/stable channel)
$ juju deploy hw-health --revision 24 --channel latest/stable hw-health-old
$ juju deploy hw-health
Upon trying to reproduce the issue, these are my findings: libipc- run-perl" . The agent is idle and there are no logs in juju debug-logs as well.
1. When trying to relate hw-health rev 30 charm with ubuntu-bionic, I'm facing the same error as presented in the bug report.
2. When trying to relate the hw-health rev 24 charm with ubuntu-bionic, the hw-health charm is stuck in `maintenance` phase with the message "Installing freeipmi,
We could possibly deprecate bionic (along with xenial 16.04) since bionic is already EOL and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to fix the python version dependency for pip (the error appears from the lower level install/upgrade hook code).