We have an OpenStack cloud running with 3 availability zones. Each AZ has it own Ceph cluster. In this scenario, if I have images stored only on one of those
Ceph clusters and that AZ goes down, other AZs won't be able to start new instances, as the glance image backend is pointing only to the unavailable Ceph cluster.
That said, I would like to be able to use more than one Ceph backend for high availability and to speed up instance creation on edge sites.
Hi Billy,
We have an OpenStack cloud running with 3 availability zones. Each AZ has it own Ceph cluster. In this scenario, if I have images stored only on one of those
Ceph clusters and that AZ goes down, other AZs won't be able to start new instances, as the glance image backend is pointing only to the unavailable Ceph cluster.
That said, I would like to be able to use more than one Ceph backend for high availability and to speed up instance creation on edge sites.
Additional use cases can be found at: /docs.openstack .org/glance/ latest/ admin/multistor es.html /access. redhat. com/documentati on/en-us/ red_hat_ openstack_ platform/ 16.1/html/ creating_ and_managing_ images/ using-image- service- with-mulitple- stores