> We need to be mindful if the retrofit still works after changing the visibility. We might need an equivalent to:
> GET /v2/images?visibility=community
> when trying to find the right image from the retrofit.
I've explicitly tested this, and confirmed that def find_source_image in src/lib/charm/openstack/glance_retrofitter.py is able to find visibility=community image with no problem.
Here is an extra debug output I added by hand, and there is an image found with 'visibility': 'community'.
> This is actually blocked by: /bugs.launchpad .net/simplestre ams/+bug/ 1975903
> https:/
This has been resolved.
> We need to be mindful if the retrofit still works after changing the visibility. We might need an equivalent to: visibility= community
> GET /v2/images?
> when trying to find the right image from the retrofit.
I've explicitly tested this, and confirmed that def find_source_image in src/lib/ charm/openstack /glance_ retrofitter. py is able to find visibility= community image with no problem.
Here is an extra debug output I added by hand, and there is an image found with 'visibility': 'community'.
2022-05-27 11:37:27 DEBUG unit.octavia- diskimage- retrofit/ 0.retrofit- image logger.go:60 image: {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'content_id': 'auto.sync', 'item_name': 'disk1.img', 'os_distro': 'ubuntu', 'os_version': '20.04', 'product_name': 'com.ubuntu. cloud:server: 20.04:amd64' , 'simplestreams_ metadata' : '{"aliases": "20.04, default, f,focal, lts,ubuntu" , "arch": "amd64", "ftype": "disk1.img", "label": "release", "md5": "2dc7842d298d81 63ab9f4fce19459 598", "os": "ubuntu", "pubname": "ubuntu- focal-20. 04-amd64- server- 20220505" , "release": "focal", "release_codename": "Focal Fossa", "release_title": "20.04 LTS", "sha256": "9a0f100258640f a68ee13e33f4ea6 36ee3f82e2b9991 381553be65121ce 3657b", "size": "595001344", "support_eol": "2025-04-23", "supported": "True", "version": "20.04"}', 'source_ content_ id': 'com.ubuntu. cloud:released: download' , 'version_name': '20220505', 'name': 'auto-sync/ ubuntu- focal-20. 04-amd64- server- 20220505- disk1.img' , 'disk_format': 'qcow2', 'container_format': 'bare', 'visibility': 'community', 'size': 595001344, 'virtual_size': None, 'status': 'active', 'checksum': '2dc7842d298d81 63ab9f4fce19459 598', 'protected': False, 'min_ram': 0, 'min_disk': 0, 'owner': '9eba09b12e9743 b384936f90bfac8 672', 'os_hidden': False, 'os_hash_algo': 'sha512', 'os_hash_value': '1d05842a3c84e3 e896b3e0bf7b0e8 47f92eb27b60461 5d9abbd2388e7f2 9e4312d6b2c5cf1 5db4ab05134dcff 7d3f207663b5080 17e8989865f4f65 babc616e7' , 'id': 'b321ce1d- a9d7-4449- 8941-f713fb8e03 1d', 'created_at': '2022-05- 27T10:39: 27Z', 'updated_at': '2022-05- 27T10:39: 43Z', 'locations': [{'url': 'rbd:// cdd75094- dd95-11ec- b927-95a9929f23 75/glance/ b321ce1d- a9d7-4449- 8941-f713fb8e03 1d/snap' , 'metadata': {'store': 'ceph'}}], 'direct_url': 'rbd:// cdd75094- dd95-11ec- b927-95a9929f23 75/glance/ b321ce1d- a9d7-4449- 8941-f713fb8e03 1d/snap' , 'tags': [], 'file': '/v2/images/ b321ce1d- a9d7-4449- 8941-f713fb8e03 1d/file' , 'schema': '/v2/schemas/ image', 'stores': 'ceph'}