Ubuntu images synced by glace-simplestreams-sync should be configured with hw_vif_mutliqueue_enabled=true. With this setting the kernel NIC driver sets the number of queues equal to the number of guest vCPUs. This makes the network performance scale across a number of vCPUs.
Ubuntu images synced by glace-simplestr eams-sync should be configured with hw_vif_ mutliqueue_ enabled= true. With this setting the kernel NIC driver sets the number of queues equal to the number of guest vCPUs. This makes the network performance scale across a number of vCPUs.
https:/ /docs.openstack .org/glance/ stein/admin/ useful- image-propertie s.html /docs.openstack .org/neutron/ queens/ admin/config- ovs-dpdk. html [Ignore the DPDK portions]