Comment 2 for bug 1933355

Revision history for this message
Boris Lukashev (rageltman) wrote (last edit ):

Due to this bug, we have had to abandon the Canonical OpenStack approach - lack of triage to a mission critical bug which breaks the undercloud completely and thus the overcloud as well, from the proprietary Canonical snap engine no less, does not make for a stable ecosystem on which OpenStack can be run.
We've now converted our Ceph bundle to eschew all of this as well along with vault and mysql because those were destroyed in our openstack build, though there are still snaps in-play so we might go to Ansible Ceph.
Snaps are killing all of the good work Canonical does, about time to kill that project like Unity and Ubuntu for mobiles before it and get on the bandwagon of FOSS tooling. Its clear as day that snaps are a poor attempt at vendor lock-in, and they're causing customers to actually leave instead. Canonical has a very small window to claim market share now that RL is live to replace CentOS, and snaps are the #1 reason people are not adopting Ubuntu (based on discussions with client engineers - we work across a few verticals).