Comment 0 for bug 2032697

Revision history for this message
Paul Wilson (maplewoodadmin) wrote :

This bug tracker is for errors with the documentation, use the following as a template and remove or add fields as you see fit. Convert [ ] into [x] to check boxes:

- [X] This doc is inaccurate in this way:
Using juju version 3.1.5-genericlinux-amd64 the following set of commands do not work:

juju run -m openstack --unit vault/leader 'leader-get root-ca'
juju run -m openstack --unit keystone/leader 'leader-get admin_passwd'

the updated charm and juju reqires the commands to be motified

juju run -m openstack vault/leader get-root-ca
juju run -m openstack keystone/leader get-admin_passwd

- [X] This is a doc addition request.
- [ ] I have a fix to the document that I can paste below including example: input and output.

If you have a troubleshooting or support issue, use the following resources:

 - The mailing list:
 - IRC: 'openstack' channel on OFTC

Release: 0.0.1.dev511 on 2023-08-02 09:18:30
SHA: d78e6e79bf2cd0f46bbe5a12faa2febbe8998709