For the job I am troubleshooting neutron-api has a single unit (non-HA), so we have security that there is no vip set which rules out the possibility of return a list like the second one. So what if one run of get_network_addressess() returned a list like the first one while other runs returned a list like the third one?, I have no evidence, but it would explain the behavior.
I think everyhing boils down to get_network_ addresses( )[0] , according to the docstring it may return any of these lists:
[(address_in_net_a, hostname_ in_net_ a),...] in_net_ a),...]
[(address_in_net_a, vip_in_net_a),...]
[(address_in_net_a, address_
For the job I am troubleshooting neutron-api has a single unit (non-HA), so we have security that there is no vip set which rules out the possibility of return a list like the second one. So what if one run of get_network_ addressess( ) returned a list like the first one while other runs returned a list like the third one?, I have no evidence, but it would explain the behavior.
[0] https:/ /github. com/juju/ charm-helpers/ blob/master/ charmhelpers/ contrib/ openstack/ context. py#L1071