Verficiation of bug failed with keystone v3. here is new trace.
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed apache2.service is not active, cannot reload.
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG worker.uniter.jujuc server.go:179 hook context id "ceph-radosgw/0-identity-service-relation-changed-7890508814909344620"; dir "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm"
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:57: Updating ca cert from keystone
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed unable to load certificate
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed 140698600187544:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:701:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed CA_CERT: {"error": {"message": "The resource could not be found.", "code": 404, "title": "Not Found"}}
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/identity-service-relation-changed", line 388, in <module>
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv)
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/", line 768, in execute
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed self._hooks[hook_name]()
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/", line 1887, in wrapped_f
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed restart_functions)
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/", line 685, in restart_on_change_helper
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed r = lambda_f()
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/", line 1886, in <lambda>
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart,
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/identity-service-relation-changed", line 233, in identity_changed
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed configure_https()
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/identity-service-relation-changed", line 377, in configure_https
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed setup_keystone_certs(CONFIGS)
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/", line 354, in _inner2_defer_if_unavailable
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed return f(*args, **kwargs)
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/", line 498, in setup_keystone_certs
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed get_ks_ca_cert(settings['admin_token'], auth_endpoint, certs_path)
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/", line 354, in _inner2_defer_if_unavailable
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed return f(*args, **kwargs)
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceph-radosgw-0/charm/hooks/", line 419, in get_ks_ca_cert
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed '-pubkey'])
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 574, in check_output
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-service-relation-changed subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['openssl', 'x509', '-in', '/var/lib/ceph/nss/ca.pem', '-pubkey']' returned non-zero exit status 1
2017-08-30 19:00:02 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "identity-service-relation-changed" failed: exit status 1
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG juju.worker.uniter.operation executor.go:84 lock released
2017-08-30 19:00:02 INFO juju.worker.uniter resolver.go:100 awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG juju.worker.uniter agent.go:17 [AGENT-STATUS] error: hook failed: "identity-service-relation-changed"
reason of above failure is below.
cat /var/lib/ceph/nss/ca.pem
{"error": {"message": "The resource could not be found.", "code": 404, "title": "Not Found"}}
Verficiation of bug failed with keystone v3. here is new trace. service- relation- changed apache2.service is not active, cannot reload. 0-identity- service- relation- changed- 789050881490934 4620"; dir "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm" service: 57: Updating ca cert from keystone service- relation- changed unable to load certificate service- relation- changed 140698600187544 :error: 0906D06C: PEM routines: PEM_read_ bio:no start line:pem_ lib.c:701: Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE service- relation- changed CA_CERT: {"error": {"message": "The resource could not be found.", "code": 404, "title": "Not Found"}} service- relation- changed Traceback (most recent call last): service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/identity- service- relation- changed" , line 388, in <module> service- relation- changed hooks.execute( sys.argv) service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/charmhelp ers/core/ hookenv. py", line 768, in execute service- relation- changed self._hooks[ hook_name] () service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/charmhelp ers/contrib/ openstack/" , line 1887, in wrapped_f service- relation- changed restart_functions) service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/charmhelp ers/core/" , line 685, in restart_ on_change_ helper service- relation- changed r = lambda_f() service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/charmhelp ers/contrib/ openstack/" , line 1886, in <lambda> service- relation- changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/identity- service- relation- changed" , line 233, in identity_changed service- relation- changed configure_https() service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/identity- service- relation- changed" , line 377, in configure_https service- relation- changed setup_keystone_ certs(CONFIGS) service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/utils. py", line 354, in _inner2_ defer_if_ unavailable service- relation- changed return f(*args, **kwargs) service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/utils. py", line 498, in setup_keystone_ certs service- relation- changed get_ks_ ca_cert( settings[ 'admin_ token'] , auth_endpoint, certs_path) service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/utils. py", line 354, in _inner2_ defer_if_ unavailable service- relation- changed return f(*args, **kwargs) service- relation- changed File "/var/lib/ juju/agents/ unit-ceph- radosgw- 0/charm/ hooks/utils. py", line 419, in get_ks_ca_cert service- relation- changed '-pubkey']) service- relation- changed File "/usr/lib/ python2. 7/subprocess. py", line 574, in check_output service- relation- changed raise CalledProcessEr ror(retcode, cmd, output=output) service- relation- changed subprocess. CalledProcessEr ror: Command '['openssl', 'x509', '-in', '/var/lib/ ceph/nss/ ca.pem' , '-pubkey']' returned non-zero exit status 1 uniter. operation runhook.go:107 hook "identity- service- relation- changed" failed: exit status 1 uniter. operation executor.go:84 lock released service- relation- changed"
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG worker.uniter.jujuc server.go:179 hook context id "ceph-radosgw/
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG juju-log identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG identity-
2017-08-30 19:00:02 ERROR juju.worker.
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG juju.worker.
2017-08-30 19:00:02 INFO juju.worker.uniter resolver.go:100 awaiting error resolution for "relation-changed" hook
2017-08-30 19:00:02 DEBUG juju.worker.uniter agent.go:17 [AGENT-STATUS] error: hook failed: "identity-
reason of above failure is below.
cat /var/lib/ ceph/nss/ ca.pem ad8ecf- 2-lxd-2: /var/log/ juju#
{"error": {"message": "The resource could not be found.", "code": 404, "title": "Not Found"}}