Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: "Zuul (22348)" Branch: stable/quincy.2
commit 9df0390d3f17251e3fb664cb90341a86435f764c Author: Samuel Walladge <email address hidden> Date: Wed Jan 4 15:59:34 2023 +1030
Create a key for ceph-osd for crash module auth
This will be set on the osd relation, so the ceph-osd charm can use this key for auth by the crash reporting module.
See for how this key is used by ceph-osd.
Closes-Bug: #2000630 Change-Id: Ic95aae6b5981a6df1e0b3c310bcef8018c494a24 (cherry picked from commit b2408e9dd7130e3edf977c62533e6ea408c589eb)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /charm- ceph-mon/ +/876457 /opendev. org/openstack/ charm-ceph- mon/commit/ 9df0390d3f17251 e3fb664cb90341a 86435f764c
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/quincy.2
commit 9df0390d3f17251 e3fb664cb90341a 86435f764c
Author: Samuel Walladge <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 4 15:59:34 2023 +1030
Create a key for ceph-osd for crash module auth
This will be set on the osd relation,
so the ceph-osd charm can use this key for auth
by the crash reporting module.
ref. https:/ /docs.ceph. com/en/ latest/ mgr/crash/
See https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /charm- ceph-osd/ +/869139
for how this key is used by ceph-osd.
Closes-Bug: #2000630 df1e0b3c310bcef 8018c494a24 edf977c62533e6e a408c589eb)
Change-Id: Ic95aae6b5981a6
(cherry picked from commit b2408e9dd7130e3