Comment 0 for bug 1810513

Revision history for this message
Ramon Grullon (rgrullon) wrote : Ceilometer is missing snmp auth options in ceilometer.conf

The ceilometer charm is missing the [Hardware] section in ceilometer.conf for snmpv3 username/password.

The charm is also missing the config-flags option to add the options manually.

Reproducer -

./ --series xenial --release queens --telemetry-gnocchi
  424 juju deploy ./b/openstack.yaml --overlay ./b/o/ceph.yaml --overlay ./b/o/gnocchi.yaml --overlay ./b/o/memcached.yaml --overlay ./b/o/telemetry.yaml

juju config ceilometer

There are no options available for configuring snmpv3 user or password.

Going directly to the ceilometer unit ceilometer.conf file also shows missing [Hardware] section.

I believe the solution is the addition of config-flags option or adding [Hardware] section.