Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit ff2547c6d552e85890c86d0677126ca1c09a9a04 Author: Dmitrii Shcherbakov <email address hidden> Date: Thu Feb 8 17:16:57 2018 +0300
Revert "drop notifications_designate"
This reverts commit 45792d3c865149f2c94cef42b19c1385d7f7b0ee.
During the discussions in reviews relevant to the bugs below the decision was to use both notifications_designate and notifications topics.
Related-Bug: #1710831 Related-Bug: #1738100 Change-Id: I496f54d9917fe8c8279ebb91cc2fed02b74b181c
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/540837 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-neutron- api/commit/ ?id=ff2547c6d55 2e85890c86d0677 126ca1c09a9a04
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit ff2547c6d552e85 890c86d0677126c a1c09a9a04
Author: Dmitrii Shcherbakov <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Feb 8 17:16:57 2018 +0300
Revert "drop notifications_ designate"
This reverts commit 45792d3c865149f 2c94cef42b19c13 85d7f7b0ee.
During the discussions in reviews relevant to the bugs below the designate and notifications
decision was to use both notifications_
Related-Bug: #1710831 c8279ebb91cc2fe d02b74b181c
Related-Bug: #1738100
Change-Id: I496f54d9917fe8