By providing openstack network relation data during cluster join we
allow haproxy backends to be configured in the corresponding os networks
should a 'public-address' not be available.
Change-Id: Ie370552410fffb859d236a011844427d8b3aff45
Closes-Bug: #1669044
(cherry picked from commit f36d6e5cb1ada0cf104dcd891ebcb01b075514b2)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/446745 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-ceilomete r/commit/ ?id=4eeaca33bf3 1f56d8b474760e2 3cc30c8a2012a3
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/17.02
commit 4eeaca33bf31f56 d8b474760e23cc3 0c8a2012a3
Author: Shane Peters <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 9 11:29:56 2017 -0500
Set os-network relation data on cluster join
By providing openstack network relation data during cluster join we
allow haproxy backends to be configured in the corresponding os networks
should a 'public-address' not be available.
Change-Id: Ie370552410fffb 859d236a0118444 27d8b3aff45 f104dcd891ebcb0 1b075514b2)
Closes-Bug: #1669044
(cherry picked from commit f36d6e5cb1ada0c