QA Notice: This package installs one or more .desktop files that do not pass validation.
/usr/share/applications/scratch-text-editor.desktop: error: file contains group "NewDocument Shortcut Group", but groups extending the format should start with "X-"
/usr/share/applications/scratch-text-editor.desktop: error: file contains group "NewWindow Shortcut Group", but groups extending the format should start with "X-"
/usr/share/applications/scratch-text-editor.desktop: error: file contains multiple keys named "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry"
/usr/share/applications/scratch-text-editor.desktop: error: value "1.1" for key "Version" in group "Desktop Entry" is not a known version
This also holds for scratch:
QA Notice: This package installs one or more .desktop files that do not pass validation.
/usr/share/ applications/ scratch- text-editor. desktop: error: file contains group "NewDocument Shortcut Group", but groups extending the format should start with "X-" applications/ scratch- text-editor. desktop: error: file contains group "NewWindow Shortcut Group", but groups extending the format should start with "X-" applications/ scratch- text-editor. desktop: error: file contains multiple keys named "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry" applications/ scratch- text-editor. desktop: error: value "1.1" for key "Version" in group "Desktop Entry" is not a known version