Identity(Keystone) notifications have a handler
for Role that has event type as identity.role.*
Another for RoleAssignment which accepts
identity.role_assignment.* events.
Since event types are regular expressions,
an event like identity.role_assignment.created
is matched with identity.role.* and gets incorrectly
routed to the Role Handler.
This fix restricts the event type regex for Role
handler to just identity.role.* events and excludes
identity.role_* events.
Change-Id: I526467ef2f8204e8093f7470b86949e3e0e69990
Closes-Bug: #1457785
(cherry picked from commit 02bab799bab051cc22f4fdf9d19d7a17939cdde7)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/185542 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ ceilometer/ commit/ ?id=77b1fb5a9f3 43babd5fb1b12bb b39c70ff180006
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 77b1fb5a9f343ba bd5fb1b12bbb39c 70ff180006
Author: Rohit Jaiswal <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 22 21:04:50 2015 +0000
Fixing event types pattern for Role Noti. handler
Identity( Keystone) notifications have a handler role_assignment .* events.
for Role that has event type as identity.role.*
Another for RoleAssignment which accepts
Since event types are regular expressions, role_assignment .created
an event like identity.
is matched with identity.role.* and gets incorrectly
routed to the Role Handler.
This fix restricts the event type regex for Role
handler to just identity.role.* events and excludes
identity.role_* events.
Change-Id: I526467ef2f8204 e8093f7470b8694 9e3e0e69990 c22f4fdf9d19d7a 17939cdde7)
Closes-Bug: #1457785
(cherry picked from commit 02bab799bab051c