commit 1a5848aab5938c883363f0e533387c86dfae2747
Author: gordon chung <email address hidden>
Date: Mon May 11 08:26:19 2015 -0400
stop mocking os.path in test_setup_events_default_config
test_setup_events_default_config unnecessarily mocks os.path.exists.
this seems to be causing failures when running tox -edebug --
test_setup_events_default_config (and occasionally in gate). it's
dangerous to mock os.path because other libs might depend on it so
let's stop mocking it.
Change-Id: Ibe9027874f597348c5da6c92899cf8740eb678c2
Closes-Bug: #1449604
(cherry picked from commit c3b58d7dd2298d343cf88df22e0a60de060393fc)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/181877 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ ceilometer/ commit/ ?id=1a5848aab59 38c883363f0e533 387c86dfae2747
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/juno
commit 1a5848aab5938c8 83363f0e533387c 86dfae2747
Author: gordon chung <email address hidden>
Date: Mon May 11 08:26:19 2015 -0400
stop mocking os.path in test_setup_ events_ default_ config
test_ setup_events_ default_ config unnecessarily mocks os.path.exists. setup_events_ default_ config (and occasionally in gate). it's
this seems to be causing failures when running tox -edebug --
dangerous to mock os.path because other libs might depend on it so
let's stop mocking it.
Change-Id: Ibe9027874f5973 48c5da6c92899cf 8740eb678c2 43cf88df22e0a60 de060393fc)
Closes-Bug: #1449604
(cherry picked from commit c3b58d7dd2298d3