[DB2 nosql] Create TIMESTAMP type index for 'timestamp' field
Currently, when doing ceilometer-dbsync, ceilometer will create an
index for 'timestamp' field of meter collection. But the datatype
of the field is set to 'VARCHAR' which is not correct.
The patch insert a document with 'timestamp' before creating the
index of 'timestamp', then DB2 nosql will create the correct index
type for 'timestamp' field.
Change-Id: I69dd2fc8d552f5dbb2485c2a5eab55b3bee71e29
Closes-Bug: #1411492
(cherry picked from commit b2fd1dee45c19477223286f8be2118e584d9b3eb)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/150223 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ ceilometer/ commit/ ?id=d5262707a99 56c58db203c6b79 2ae94140588191
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/juno
commit d5262707a9956c5 8db203c6b792ae9 4140588191
Author: lqslan <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 16 11:31:55 2015 +0800
[DB2 nosql] Create TIMESTAMP type index for 'timestamp' field
Currently, when doing ceilometer-dbsync, ceilometer will create an
index for 'timestamp' field of meter collection. But the datatype
of the field is set to 'VARCHAR' which is not correct.
The patch insert a document with 'timestamp' before creating the
index of 'timestamp', then DB2 nosql will create the correct index
type for 'timestamp' field.
Change-Id: I69dd2fc8d552f5 dbb2485c2a5eab5 5b3bee71e29 7223286f8be2118 e584d9b3eb)
Closes-Bug: #1411492
(cherry picked from commit b2fd1dee45c1947