A correction to my previous explanation re: the webhook: it's not that there is not a stock webhook, it's that there's more than one way to install it and docs provide an example rather than prescribing a specific method as the "proper" way to do it.
There also appears to be built images for the webhook (e.g. k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage/snapshot-validation-webhook:v4.0.0).
I don't know why the webhook isn't in the main K8s repo even though the core functionality has been brought into the central repo; I wish I understood that...
A correction to my previous explanation re: the webhook: it's not that there is not a stock webhook, it's that there's more than one way to install it and docs provide an example rather than prescribing a specific method as the "proper" way to do it.
There also appears to be built images for the webhook (e.g. k8s.gcr. io/sig- storage/ snapshot- validation- webhook: v4.0.0) .
I don't know why the webhook isn't in the main K8s repo even though the core functionality has been brought into the central repo; I wish I understood that...