Strangely, if I repeat that run ulimit on the explicit machine units I get a different result;
routergod@management:~$ juju run --machine 6,7,8 -- ulimit -l - MachineId: "6" Stdout: | 65536 - MachineId: "7" Stdout: | 65536 - MachineId: "8" Stdout: | 65536
I have a problem somewhere else?
Strangely, if I repeat that run ulimit on the explicit machine units I get a different result;
routergod@ management: ~$ juju run --machine 6,7,8 -- ulimit -l
- MachineId: "6"
Stdout: |
- MachineId: "7"
Stdout: |
- MachineId: "8"
Stdout: |
I have a problem somewhere else?