Testing steps:
1.Create one contact in phone book.
2.Input name and an _invalid_ phone number. (Such as ZhangSan 17722026647)
3. Dial the last 10 /9/8/7 digits of ZhangSan: 7722026647 / 722026647 /22026647 / 2026647
Expected results:
Dial menu should not show dialing ZhangSan's phone
Actual result:
Dial menu should show dialing ZhangSan's phone
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ system-image-cli -i
current build number: 6
device name: midori
channel: ubuntu-touch/testing/meizu.en
last update: 2016-07-11 17:45:37
version version: 6
version ubuntu: 20160711.1
version device: db94297461b6cae736ebcd2c903354eb85580af03760c481a1b9c4c0eee79c5f
version custom: 20160707-982-6-3
Test case in Chinese
Testing steps:
1.Create one contact in phone book.
2.Input name and an _invalid_ phone number. (Such as ZhangSan 17722026647)
3. Dial the last 10 /9/8/7 digits of ZhangSan: 7722026647 / 722026647 /22026647 / 2026647
Expected results:
Dial menu should not show dialing ZhangSan's phone
Actual result:
Dial menu should show dialing ZhangSan's phone
phablet@ ubuntu- phablet: ~$ system-image-cli -i touch/testing/ meizu.en 736ebcd2c903354 eb85580af03760c 481a1b9c4c0eee7 9c5f
current build number: 6
device name: midori
channel: ubuntu-
last update: 2016-07-11 17:45:37
version version: 6
version ubuntu: 20160711.1
version device: db94297461b6cae
version custom: 20160707-982-6-3
Test case in Chinese :17722026647 8、9、10位, 拨打电话