A few logs, they're on the private pastebin beause they could include sensitive information.
All the logs were obtained by adding
export GLOG_v=1000
export GLOG_logtostderr=1
If anyone wants to work on this issue and get access to the logs, please contact me and you'll get them ;)
A few logs, they're on the private pastebin beause they could include sensitive information.
All the logs were obtained by adding
export GLOG_v=1000
export GLOG_logtostderr=1
to ubuntu- espoo-service. conf ubuntu- location- provider- here-posclientd .conf ubuntu- location- provider- here-slpgwd. conf ubuntu- location- service. override
If anyone wants to work on this issue and get access to the logs, please contact me and you'll get them ;)
posclientd debug log /pastebin. canonical. com/161844/
slpgwd debug log /pastebin. canonical. com/161843/
espoo log /pastebin. canonical. com/161841/
ubuntu- location- service debug log /pastebin. canonical. com/161840/