Thank you for looking into this XiaoGuo. I will elaborate further on your comment, as it seems some important details seem to be missing.
> When the app is in the foreground and press the power button, On the webpage, just send a message to your client (to the nick).
> Then unlock the phone again, you will see that the message comes in and it is shown there in the app.
You will see the message comes in only because you turn the device back on. I saw multiple times (but not always!) the persistent notification would show up only *after* turning the device back on. Which misses the whole point of a notification concept.
Essentially, you're seeing the message show up in the app only because you just turned the device on.
> However, the problem is that there is no indication of the LED flashing or sound for the newly received notification.
There's no sound or LED or, occasionally, even no persistent notification for the newly received notification. When I tested this, I saw two different cases:
[before: device off, message sent, device stays silent even though it did receive a notification]
- I turn the device back on, and the notification immediately shows up (and is audible + LED)
- I turn the device back on, and there is even NO persistent notification (the one at the top), which is even more serious
To summarize: app in foreground && screen off == no audio/LED, possibly not even a persistent notification once screen is back on
Thank you for looking into this XiaoGuo. I will elaborate further on your comment, as it seems some important details seem to be missing.
> When the app is in the foreground and press the power button, On the webpage, just send a message to your client (to the nick).
> Then unlock the phone again, you will see that the message comes in and it is shown there in the app.
You will see the message comes in only because you turn the device back on. I saw multiple times (but not always!) the persistent notification would show up only *after* turning the device back on. Which misses the whole point of a notification concept.
Essentially, you're seeing the message show up in the app only because you just turned the device on.
> However, the problem is that there is no indication of the LED flashing or sound for the newly received notification.
There's no sound or LED or, occasionally, even no persistent notification for the newly received notification. When I tested this, I saw two different cases:
[before: device off, message sent, device stays silent even though it did receive a notification]
- I turn the device back on, and the notification immediately shows up (and is audible + LED)
- I turn the device back on, and there is even NO persistent notification (the one at the top), which is even more serious
To summarize: app in foreground && screen off == no audio/LED, possibly not even a persistent notification once screen is back on