As with bug 945608, we appear to be drawing menu entries on something that pango/cairo don't want to draw antialiased fonts.
By adding gtk_render_background I am now able to get the proper font rendering in both Ambiance and Radiance, however it does not play well with the fading in/out of the title/menubar - some flickering occurs.
This patch is against unity 5.18 in Precise. My PPA ( ) will have this test build shortly for those who want to see how a panel should have looked with a Radiance theme.
As with bug 945608, we appear to be drawing menu entries on something that pango/cairo don't want to draw antialiased fonts. background I am now able to get the proper font rendering in both Ambiance and Radiance, however it does not play well with the fading in/out of the title/menubar - some flickering occurs.
By adding gtk_render_
This patch is against unity 5.18 in Precise. My PPA ( https:/ /launchpad. net/~rye/ +archive/ ppa ) will have this test build shortly for those who want to see how a panel should have looked with a Radiance theme.