>> "the transparency follows the highlight on the menu"
> but the items stay transparent after the mouse leave them, right ?
To be precise, after the highlight moves away, the item is left transparent. The item is never transparent when highlighted.
> Also, if you use the system style rather than a custom style, do you still
> have the bug ?
If that question's addressed to me: the transparency issue I've so far only seen on MeeGo and derived themes. The too-low-placement issue and the text colour under OpenBox+no LXDE apply to at least several themes.
I'm afraid I don't know anything worthwhile about theme engines. Setting the engine to 'Unico' appeared to stick (gsettings get returned 'Unico' afterwards, but I wasn't bold enough to see what happened if I set it to a nonsense string), and didn't change any behaviour that I could see.
>> "the transparency follows the highlight on the menu"
> but the items stay transparent after the mouse leave them, right ?
To be precise, after the highlight moves away, the item is left transparent. The item is never transparent when highlighted.
> Also, if you use the system style rather than a custom style, do you still
> have the bug ?
If that question's addressed to me: the transparency issue I've so far only seen on MeeGo and derived themes. The too-low-placement issue and the text colour under OpenBox+no LXDE apply to at least several themes.
I'm afraid I don't know anything worthwhile about theme engines. Setting the engine to 'Unico' appeared to stick (gsettings get returned 'Unico' afterwards, but I wasn't bold enough to see what happened if I set it to a nonsense string), and didn't change any behaviour that I could see.