Comment 4 for bug 460124

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DenisP (denisp) wrote :

I have done some tests myself, so here is my report.

I have commented out the line gobject.timeout_add(5000, self.update_recent_liststore) on the line 138 in the file in class ProcAdd in method __Init__ and line self.running_id = gobject.timeout_add(5000, self.update_running_liststore) on the line 245 in the same file and in the same class in methode run.

After I have done that I don't have any rising memory usage over the time if I don't activate Flash or Quake Live functions.
If I activate Flash function alone it seems that there is not rising memory usage over time or it is very small.
If I activate Quake Live function alone I have small rising of memory usage over time.

So for me it seems that major part of the memory leak is caused somewhere in the code which is handling running process detection. Perhaps that part which is periodically updating list of running processes because I think these lines I have commented out are periodically updating lists of running processes.

I hope this can help to solve the problem.