Comment 2 for bug 86653

Revision history for this message
Neil Martinsen-Burrell (nmb) wrote :

I am unable to reproduce this bug on Mac OS X:

nmb@guttle[~/tmp]$ mkdir -p test/branch
nmb@guttle[~/tmp]$ cd test
nmb@guttle[~/tmp/test]$ bzr init branch
Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)
nmb@guttle[~/tmp/test]$ bzr co --lightweight co
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/Users/nmb/tmp/test/co/".
nmb@guttle[~/tmp/test]$ bzr co --lightweight branch co
nmb@guttle[~/tmp/test]$ ls
branch/ co/
nmb@guttle[~/tmp/test]$ mv co ..
nmb@guttle[~/tmp/test]$ cd ../co
nmb@guttle[~/tmp/co]$ bzr info
Lightweight checkout (format: 2a)
  light checkout root: .
   checkout of branch: /Users/nmb/tmp/test/branch

Is this something that only happens on win32 or am I misunderstanding the relevance of the drive letters here?