The windows internal command line tool for this job is mklink.exe, btw.
Am 13.01.2010 01:00, schrieb John A Meinel:
> THirsch wrote:
>> I would love to have an option like --ignore-symlinks as well to allow
>> at least for a checkout/branch that I can work on (with knowledge about
>> the missing symlinks)
>> Second: On Vista and Windows7 there IS support for real symbolic links.
>> There is a great tool (with some documentation) out there, that is freely available (ln.exe and LinkShellExtension at and the author (Hermann Schinagl - Hermann.Schinagl (at) may be able to direct you to some MSDN or other source of information (or even his source code....)
>> Sorry, I am not a programmer and could not lend a helping hand.
>> All your current work is greatly appreciated (I love bazaar).
>> Please keep on providing and enhancing this excellent work.
>> Thomas
> I'm pretty sure the Windows symlinks only support directories as
> targets, but maybe that changed?
> John
> =:->
The windows internal command line tool for this job is mklink.exe, btw.
Am 13.01.2010 01:00, schrieb John A Meinel: www.schinagl. and the author (Hermann Schinagl - Hermann.Schinagl (at) may be able to direct you to some MSDN or other source of information (or even his source code....)
> THirsch wrote:
>> I would love to have an option like --ignore-symlinks as well to allow
>> at least for a checkout/branch that I can work on (with knowledge about
>> the missing symlinks)
>> Second: On Vista and Windows7 there IS support for real symbolic links.
>> There is a great tool (with some documentation) out there, that is freely available (ln.exe and LinkShellExtension at http://
>> Sorry, I am not a programmer and could not lend a helping hand.
>> All your current work is greatly appreciated (I love bazaar).
>> Please keep on providing and enhancing this excellent work.
>> Thomas
> I'm pretty sure the Windows symlinks only support directories as
> targets, but maybe that changed?
> John
> =:->