I just requeued all of the following packages now that we're on bzr 2.3.4 (instead of 2.4b4):
anjuta bin-prot binfmt-support binutils binutils-z80 bird c++-annotations cacti cheese cl-sql compiz-fusion-plugins-extra conkeror crash cupt d-shlibs dbus debhelper dh-make-perl dialog dkms dma doxygen dpkg-cross feh fglrx-driver firebug firmware-nonfree fizmo freebsd-libs freetalk gawk gecode giplet gitpkg glpi gmerlin gnome-icon-theme gnumed-client gnumed-server gnupg-pkcs11-scd gource gpodder gpsd gpsk31 gsmartcontrol gst0.10-python gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gtest gtk+2.0 gtkwave hardening-wrapper hatari hdf5 heimdal hplip hugin iceweasel imagej iptables iso-codes jags javatools jqueryui kdeaccessibility kdeadmin kdegames kdegraphics kdeplasma-addons kdewebdev klibc ldb libaqbanking libcompress-raw-zlib-perl libconfig-model-perl libdatetime-timezone-perl libdevel-declare-perl libdist-zilla-perl libffi libgadu libhtml-template-pro-perl libimager-perl libio-async-perl libisoburn libisofs libkarma liblocale-gettext-perl libmail-box-perl libmodule-corelist-perl libmoose-perl libnet-ssh2-perl libpng libsvn-hooks-perl libtest-www-mechanize-perl libtorrent-rasterbar libusb-1.0 linux-2.6 liquidsoap live-manual lua5.1 massxpert merkaartor meta-kde metacity miro mlt mozilla-devscripts mozilla-noscript nbd neon27 nginx nilfs-tools nodm nss openmsx-debugger org-mode pastebinit pbzip2 pciutils pidgin pilot-link pkg-kde-tools pstoedit puppet pyparted python-application python-networkx pywebdav qlandkartegt qsynth r-base r-zoo rcpp rxvt-unicode sane-backends serf sgt-puzzles shorewall-doc socat sphinx sphinxsearch squid3 sugar-hulahop swt-gtk tangerine thunderbird tinymce tomcat6 torbutton tortoisehg trac tryton-client tryton-modules-account tryton-modules-account-de-skr03 tryton-modules-account-statement tryton-modules-analytic-invoice tryton-modules-country tryton-modules-purchase tryton-modules-sale tryton-modules-stock tryton-modules-stock-location-sequence tryton-server tzdata unbound usermode valgrind varnish viking vinagre vlc w3m wdm webgui websvn wireshark wvdial xml-security-c xserver-xorg-input-mouse zendframework zsh-beta
I just requeued all of the following packages now that we're on bzr 2.3.4 (instead of 2.4b4):
anjuta bin-prot binfmt-support binutils binutils-z80 bird c++-annotations cacti cheese cl-sql compiz- fusion- plugins- extra conkeror crash cupt d-shlibs dbus debhelper dh-make-perl dialog dkms dma doxygen dpkg-cross feh fglrx-driver firebug firmware-nonfree fizmo freebsd-libs freetalk gawk gecode giplet gitpkg glpi gmerlin gnome-icon-theme gnumed-client gnumed-server gnupg-pkcs11-scd gource gpodder gpsd gpsk31 gsmartcontrol gst0.10-python gstreamer0. 10-ffmpeg gtest gtk+2.0 gtkwave hardening-wrapper hatari hdf5 heimdal hplip hugin iceweasel imagej iptables iso-codes jags javatools jqueryui kdeaccessibility kdeadmin kdegames kdegraphics kdeplasma-addons kdewebdev klibc ldb libaqbanking libcompress- raw-zlib- perl libconfig- model-perl libdatetime- timezone- perl libdevel- declare- perl libdist-zilla-perl libffi libgadu libhtml- template- pro-perl libimager-perl libio-async-perl libisoburn libisofs libkarma liblocale- gettext- perl libmail-box-perl libmodule- corelist- perl libmoose-perl libnet-ssh2-perl libpng libsvn-hooks-perl libtest- www-mechanize- perl libtorrent- rasterbar libusb-1.0 linux-2.6 liquidsoap live-manual lua5.1 massxpert merkaartor meta-kde metacity miro mlt mozilla-devscripts mozilla-noscript nbd neon27 nginx nilfs-tools nodm nss openmsx-debugger org-mode pastebinit pbzip2 pciutils pidgin pilot-link pkg-kde-tools pstoedit puppet pyparted python-application python-networkx pywebdav qlandkartegt qsynth r-base r-zoo rcpp rxvt-unicode sane-backends serf sgt-puzzles shorewall-doc socat sphinx sphinxsearch squid3 sugar-hulahop swt-gtk tangerine thunderbird tinymce tomcat6 torbutton tortoisehg trac tryton-client tryton- modules- account tryton- modules- account- de-skr03 tryton- modules- account- statement tryton- modules- analytic- invoice tryton- modules- country tryton- modules- purchase tryton-modules-sale tryton- modules- stock tryton- modules- stock-location- sequence tryton-server tzdata unbound usermode valgrind varnish viking vinagre vlc w3m wdm webgui websvn wireshark wvdial xml-security-c xserver- xorg-input- mouse zendframework zsh-beta