I've added a launchpad bugtask here, as I believe this bug is to blame for breaking the emailing of bundles to <email address hidden> for 2a format branches.
Evidence for this:
* A mailed bundle for a pack-0.92 format trunk works just fine and creates a branch.
* A mailed merge directive with neither bundle nor patch, addressing already-pushed source and target 2a branches works fine.
* A mailed bundle for a 2a format trunk dies. OOPS-1886CMP6. Also probably OOPS-1886CMP2 is the same, another user's problem which led me to be investigating this.
I've added a launchpad bugtask here, as I believe this bug is to blame for breaking the emailing of bundles to <email address hidden> for 2a format branches.
Evidence for this:
* A mailed bundle for a pack-0.92 format trunk works just fine and creates a branch.
* A mailed merge directive with neither bundle nor patch, addressing already-pushed source and target 2a branches works fine.
* A mailed bundle for a 2a format trunk dies. OOPS-1886CMP6. Also probably OOPS-1886CMP2 is the same, another user's problem which led me to be investigating this.