On 11/25/2010 07:38 PM, George wrote:
> Hi Vincent--
> I was actually having trouble with the installers, and that was leading to the problems in:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+question/135053
> I can't remember, but somewhere it sounded like rebuilding bzr would be
> a good idea. I guess not. :)
> So now I've installed:
> http://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/2.3/2.3b3/+download/Bazaar-2.3b3-OSX-10.5-1.dmg
> Goodness knows whether I've completely uninstalled previous versions.
> Probably not.
> Anyhow, here's the new traceback:
> Run command: bzr push
> Using saved push location: https://<email address hidden>:<email address hidden>/nano/www/svn
> bzr: ERROR: pycurl.error: (65, "necessary data rewind wasn't possible")
You should be able to work around this by prefixing the URL with "svn+".
On 11/25/2010 07:38 PM, George wrote: /answers. launchpad. net/bzr- svn/+question/ 135053 edge.launchpad. net/bzr/ 2.3/2.3b3/ +download/ Bazaar- 2.3b3-OSX- 10.5-1. dmg /nano/www/ svn
> Hi Vincent--
> I was actually having trouble with the installers, and that was leading to the problems in:
> https:/
> I can't remember, but somewhere it sounded like rebuilding bzr would be
> a good idea. I guess not. :)
> So now I've installed:
> http://
> Goodness knows whether I've completely uninstalled previous versions.
> Probably not.
> Anyhow, here's the new traceback:
> Run command: bzr push
> Using saved push location: https://<email address hidden>:<email address hidden>
> bzr: ERROR: pycurl.error: (65, "necessary data rewind wasn't possible")
You should be able to work around this by prefixing the URL with "svn+".