Comment 12 for bug 67589

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Michael Nagel (nailor) wrote :

i know that storing the file permissions is not needed for keeping track of source code. it even can cause some problems (see the example above mentioning two different umasks that cause permissions to change on every check-in).

some people (including me) use bazaar for things it was not originally intended for. and it does a a great job and fits nearly perfectly - expect for the fact that it does not track file permissions. right now i am using some very, very nasty code to make thinks work.

i'd like to ask the developers to include tracking of file permissions into bazaar. this would improve it's usability to e.g. track ones /etc/ or $HOME. it should be optional (because annoying in some situations) and could either track the permissions or some kind of mask combined with the umask make sure certain rights are (not) granted.

having this in the core would speed up things, make them more reliable and ensure synchronism.

what i am doing right now (breaks with bad file names (works with spaces and umlauts), is slow, and kind of anti-VCS...):
grab the file rights:

if [ "$1" ]; then
 echo `stat -c %a "$1"` \"$1\"
 bzr ls --versioned --null | xargs --null -n 1 "$0"

save them to a file (versioned)

and reapply them:
xargs -n2 chmod -c

so +1 for making bzr store file permissions from me!