Hi Guilhem,
If you want you can use <https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+addquestion> which goes into a more question-oriented workflow and lets us then create or link to particular bugs.
bzr blame and bzr update should both work in the way you expected: annotation should tell you about the contents of the file as it existed in that history, and update should give you a working tree looking at revision 2.
I believe the issue with annotate is bug 537442.
The problem with update is surprising to me. Is the branch where this occurs public?
Hi Guilhem,
If you want you can use <https:/ /answers. edge.launchpad. net/bzr/ +addquestion> which goes into a more question-oriented workflow and lets us then create or link to particular bugs.
bzr blame and bzr update should both work in the way you expected: annotation should tell you about the contents of the file as it existed in that history, and update should give you a working tree looking at revision 2.
I believe the issue with annotate is bug 537442.
The problem with update is surprising to me. Is the branch where this occurs public?