2012-05-19 11:17:49 INFO Unable to import branch because of limitations in Bazaar.
2012-05-19 11:17:49 INFO The repository you are fetching from contains submodules. To continue, upgrade your Bazaar repository to a format that supports nested trees, such as 'development-subtree'.
We're no longer using git submodules, is there a way to tell bzr/vcs-imports to just ignore history and focus on current code?
We'd like to setup a daily ppa for our software without using anything else than github and launchpad.
2012-05-19 11:17:49 INFO Unable to import branch because of limitations in Bazaar. subtree' .
2012-05-19 11:17:49 INFO The repository you are fetching from contains submodules. To continue, upgrade your Bazaar repository to a format that supports nested trees, such as 'development-
We're no longer using git submodules, is there a way to tell bzr/vcs-imports to just ignore history and focus on current code?
We'd like to setup a daily ppa for our software without using anything else than github and launchpad.