Comment 4 for bug 3780

Revision history for this message
Richard Wilbur (richard-wilbur) wrote :

John, Martin, et al:

I'd like to propose some changes in the user interface for ignore:
Use cases:
1. Mary wants to know the current list of ignores (patterns), so, even though she is developing in ~/bzr/bug_3780/bzrlib/tests/blackbox she types ``bzr ignore`` and it prints the path of the active ignore file and each pattern.
2. Jules does a find of certain files he wants to ignore and notices that in a particular subdirectory of his branch a certain filetype appears. He types
``bzr ignore /absolute/path/from/find/*.filetype`` and, since it is in his branch, a branch-root-relative pattern is added to the ignore file. (Advantage: Jules can select/copy and paste the path from the find output directly into his command line without having to trim to his branch base directory.)
3. Later, Jules notices another filetype he wishes to ignore and types ``bzr ignore /different/absolute/path/*.filetype`` and, since it is not in his branch, ignore fails with an error notifying him that the path is outside his branch.

These changes fell naturally out of fixing bug 3780. The test cases are already written and no new regressions noted.

