An alternative method of hacking around this problem is to install virtualenv
Create virtual environment: virtualenv -p python2.4 /usr/share/virtual_python2.4
Edit the bazaar executable:
nano -w $(which bzr)
and replace #!/usr/bin/python with #!/usr/share/virtual_python2.4/bin/python
Also run export PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/pyshared to give the path to bzrlib
This keeps the current version of python while running bzr with python 2.4
An alternative method of hacking around this problem is to install virtualenv http:// pypi.python. org/pypi/ virtualenv
Create virtual environment: virtual_ python2. 4
virtualenv -p python2.4 /usr/share/
Edit the bazaar executable:
nano -w $(which bzr)
and replace #!/usr/bin/python with #!/usr/ share/virtual_ python2. 4/bin/python
Also run export PYTHONPATH= /usr/share/ pyshared to give the path to bzrlib
This keeps the current version of python while running bzr with python 2.4