Comment 1 for bug 344013

Revision history for this message
Kevin Hjelden (fryguy) wrote :

This issue can be reproduced a slightly different way when switching branches. I think this is the same issue, but if not it might need to be a separate issue:

It's really annoying when creating a folder in a branch, and then switching back to a branch without that folder.

C:\dev>bzr init bug
Created a repository branch (format: unnamed)
Using shared repository: C:/dev/

C:\dev>bzr checkout bug bug-working

C:\dev>cd bug-working

C:\dev\bug-working>bzr ignore *.tmp

C:\dev\bug-working>bzr commit -m "ignoring temp files"
Committing to: C:/dev/bug/
added .bzrignore
Committed revision 1.

C:\dev\bug-working>mkdir temp

C:\dev\bug-working>echo testing > temp\123

C:\dev\bug-working>bzr add
adding temp
adding temp/123

C:\dev\bug-working>bzr commit -m "adding some working files"
Committing to: C:/dev/bug/
added temp
added temp/123
Committed revision 2.

C:\dev\bug-working>echo "binary output files from a compiler" > temp\123.tmp

C:\dev\bug-working>bzr branch \dev\bug \dev\bug-error -r1
Branched 1 revision(s).

C:\dev\bug-working>bzr switch \dev\bug-error
Conflict: can't delete temp because it is not empty. Not deleting.
Updated to revision 1.
Switched to branch: C:/dev/bug-error/

C:\dev\bug-working>bzr st
  Conflict: can't delete temp because it is not empty. Not deleting.

C:\dev\bug-working>del temp\123.tmp

C:\dev\bug-working>rmdir temp

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 5CF1-4A0D

 Directory of C:\dev\bug-working

08/06/2009 11:26 AM <DIR> .
08/06/2009 11:26 AM <DIR> ..
08/06/2009 11:19 AM 6 .bzrignore
               1 File(s) 6 bytes
               2 Dir(s) 98,402,717,696 bytes free

C:\dev\bug-working>bzr resolve
0 conflict(s) auto-resolved.
Remaining conflicts:
Conflict: can't delete temp because it is not empty. Not deleting.

C:\dev\bug-working>bzr st
  Conflict: can't delete temp because it is not empty. Not deleting.